Recital at the Little Pines Lodge 2021

Our 2021 cabin recital was a great success! The rain held off for the most part! Twelve students performed on the honkytonk piano at our cabin outside Nisswa, Minnesota. After the recital we took boat rides, and played tennis and ping pong. We had a potluck and grilled hamburgers and hotdogs. Later we had a bonfire with s’mores and jam sessions. Calvin and Mary missed the recital because they were at Mary’s Minnesota All-State Orchestra concert, but they got back in time for dinner and they serenaded us to sleep with improvised hymns on clarinet and piano. This is truly one of my favorite weekends of the year. Sunday morning we had pancakes and folks got on the road after some hair braiding for the girls! We welcomed two new families to the event this year! Make new friends, and keep the old! I hope that memories of piano events, even when, well, especially when they are mostly recreational, will stay with us and encourage us to keep practicing and enjoying music together.
