Winter Celebrations 2021-2022

We have had a lot of celebrations and sharing of music so far this winter.

Congratulations to Kyrié upon her Book 3 graduation performance. All those thoughtful perfect repetitions paid off!

Mary has been busy and deserves a shout out for her work on the Eastview High Musical. She played piano and clarinet in the pit orchestra in the first live musical since 2019. Here she is leading the orchestra bow.

We got to have three live and in person Christmas recitals! What a joy! Each student shared a classical piece and a holiday piece. There were also some lovely duets and trios.

In January we had our first “Little Red Pines” weekend chamber music workshop. Each student had a masterclass, a chamber music session, craft with Mary and theory and analysis with Calvin. I loved every minute of returning to a normal workshop experience!

Congrats to Ford on a huge Book 4 program. Thank you to the studio friends who came to hear it. You were rewarded with a homemade special recipe brownie! Great job Ford!

Catherine shared her Book 2B program with family, and folks near and far on Zoom. And yes, there was amazing cake to accompany her amazing musicality.

Congratulation to my whole studio for continuing to practice through the pandemic! I’m so proud of your hard work and happy hearts!