Winter Accolades 2023

We have been a busy bunch! Please take a look at the accomplishments of our long winter and let me know if I have overlooked anyones achievements!

Advancing Recital~ Isabella, Ford, Eshaan, Kryré, Sam and Ella performed expressively and showed such poise at the January Suzuki Piano Teacher’s Guild Recitals for Advancing Pianists. I was so proud of this show of excellence!

Chamber Music~We celebrated chamber music in February. it’s perennially valuable to have these experiences and such a special element of our studio. Thank you to Conor and Adrianna. (I’m missing a photo of one of the groups. . . sorry.)

Congratulations to Mary on her All-State Performance at Orchestra Hall, and her U of M Honor bands concerts! There are so many wonderful opportunities to work with wonderful conductors.

Parent Party~ I enjoyed meeting with parents and celebrating the highs and low of the year. Being a Suzuki parent is a long term commitment and it’s important to have friends and support along the way.

Welcome to our new students Kate and Sam! Sam was in the studio of my friend Annella who moved away, and Kate is ready to play too!

Ford performed his Book 5 graduation recital! What a wonderful achievement. And thank you to studio friends for being a wonderful audience. Ford worked very hard and performed a magnificent program.

Mary auditioned and was accepted as a clarinet major at the University of Iowa. She plans to double major in clarinet performance and creative writing, which the U of I is renown for. Congrats to Mary!!!

Congratulations to Zuzu on a stunning Book One graduation recital. She performed with beautiful balance, dynamics, and poise. She really got the message of Book One across to the audience. Congrats to Zuzu and her mother for the wonderful practicing.

Calvin is studio alumni, and of course he’s still my kid. . . so congrats to Calvin on his performance of Prokofiev 1 with the University of Iowa Orchestra. This mama’s heart was beating pretty fast. . . almost as fast as the boy’s fingers. Calvin's Performance on YouTube

I was invited again this year to be the guest clinician at the Iowa City Preucil School of Music. Working with Book 1 and Book 2 kids at workshops is one of my favorite things to do. I hope I gave them some inspiration.

Suzuki Association of Minnesota Graduation Recitals at Sundin Hall! I got many wonderful compliments on your graduation performances and I enjoyed reliving them on the archived video.

Catherine, Tyler Clara, Mary, and Zuzu also performed on the Festival Recitals. Congrats to all! I’m sorry I missed the day.

Ella Book 5

Elleora Book 5

Eshaan Book 5

Ford Book 5

Isaac Book 1

Sam Book 5

Úna Book 6

Isabella Book 5

That is a lot going on! I’m so grateful for the tremendous commitment you all make toward piano and our studio. The next two months have a lot in store! Hold on tight, we have a bunch of graduations, we have a concerto event, studio recital, and I’ve got two kiddos graduating with parties and recitals. Blessings to all!!!