Winter Music Continues 2022!

Congratulations to Sam, Isabella, Ford, Eshaan, Úna and Ella who participated in the Suzuki Piano Teacher’s Guild Recitals for Advancing Pianists on January 29 at Schmitt Music Brooklyn Center. I was proud of each of performer. SPTG invites students in book four and above to participate. Students submit videos in December to prepare for this high level formal recital.

Our annual parent party was at the end of January . We had a lovely turnout and I love sharing the ups and downs of the practicing parents. Accomplishments and frustrations are shared!

Congratulations to Haven upon her book one graduation recital in her home. The tradition of the family piano cake continues! Haven performed with poise and musicality! What joy!

Kaiah performed her Book 2B graduation at the February Schubertiade. She played so sensitively and with great polish. After she performed, the rest of the students shared their pieces. We share some social time in a reception after the event. Thank to the studio for supporting Kaiah and sharing your music.